The Re-Opening: Phase II
The 5th of July marks another key milestone for TBI – the return of our normal timetable and a return to full contact drills and sparring. (For more information on our timetable, click here). As part of our transition, we’ve also doubled the maximum amount of attendees per class.
As always, the safety of our members is front of mind. As such, our strict cleaning protocols are still in place and we continue to require members to bring their own gear and towels. And if you don’t have you own gear yet, come talk to us! Transitioning back to full contact drills and sparring makes it even more important to continue being vigilant, to ensure TBI continues to be a clean and safe place to train. So we thank all our members for their great work thus far and hope this continues in future.
From the TBI Team: Thank you for your support and effort since our re-opening. We’ve loved seeing the hard work many of you have put in over the break. And for those who are yet to return, we can’t wait to see you down at the gym soon!
New Content Alert: Ben Johnston’s Total Request Commentaries
At TBI, we are constantly striving to bring you content that aims to entertain and inform. In July, we’re excited to present ‘Ben Johnston’s Total Request Commentaries’ – expert insight and analysis on Muay Thai, Boxing and MMA fights, as requested by our members.
Breaking down strategy and technique, Coach Ben draws upon his own experiences as a fighter and a coach to dissect what worked, what didn’t and why.
The current series includes: Liam Haggerty v Mohammed Bin Mahmoud, Jonathan Haggerty v Joseph Lasiri and Rodtang v Jonathan Haggerty (2). While these iconic fights may fall within the dominion of Muay Thai, we’re not finished just yet! Coach Ben will be back with more from Boxing and MMA in the near future. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to ensure you don’t miss out on the next one!
As part of your TBI Membership, you also receive access to the TFC – Members Only Facebook Group where you receive more in-depth information on news and content. It’s also the place to submit your requests for ‘Ben Johnston’s Total Request Commentaries’. If you’re currently not a member and would like to join our community, please contact us!
All We Do is Win, Win, Win…
Equally as important as keeping our eyes on the prize, is appreciating our progress along the way. To help us reflect on our successes and celebrate those of others, we will be featuring ‘wins’ from our TBI Community each month. These wins celebrate progress, no matter how big or small, on any personal goal – fitness or otherwise.
Name: Ben Johnston
It’s been a killer time training with the boxers. It’s a win because the Boxing Fighters are showing big improvements and starting to work together as a better unit.
Name: Ronny Smith
I have two wins! One, my fitness is coming along really well. I have just hit 88.1kgs, and am track on make weight easily for my Australian title fight. Second, I’ve recently gotten married!
Thank you to Coach Ben and Ronny for your submissions, and congratulations to Ronny on getting hitched! If you would like to submit your win, please contact us!
Until next time – happy training!