The Boxing Institute is proud to announce the re-opening of our physical location in Slacks Creek, as of the 2nd of June. Although we have enjoyed interacting with our members through our online Zoom training, we are over the moon to be able to have our members down at the gym again!
While we are excited to resume our in-person classes, safety has, is and always will be our paramount concern. In light of recent circumstances and in-line with government regulations, we have implemented a few changes. These include: limited timetable, smaller classes (max. 20 people), class limits (2 per member/week), socially distant training (i.e. bag work and/or shadowboxing only), book-ins essential (for more information on booking in, click here) and even stricter cleaning procedures.
Though these changes may mean a new way of training in the interim, our classes still deliver the same high-quality experience you’ve come to know from The Boxing Institute: high-quality content, taught by the same high-quality coaching staff.
From the TBI Team: Thank you to all our members for your continued support and enthusiasm over the past few months. We have loved seeing you get around our online training and the TBI Revolution and appreciated your clips, feedback and comments on our TFC – Members Only Facebook Group. Your motivation and drive to continue your boxing journey has kept us motivated and driven. So, thank you and we’re so excited to continue working with you back at the gym!
Major Key: The Perfect Liver Shot
At The Boxing Institute, our mission is to cover every aspect of your boxing education – from developing your general skills and fitness to honing the finer points of ‘the sweet science’. Through a combination of in-person and online training resources, we seek to provide flexibility for all experience levels and training needs.
To this end, Coach Ben Johnston, accompanied by Coach Mitch Nicholson, has developed an in-depth online tutorial on how to deliver the perfect liver shot. As always, we want our students to understand the ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘when’ and this tutorial is no different. Join Coach Ben as he breaks down why a liver shot is so effective and an important part of your boxing toolkit, how to execute a perfect liver shot and a few ways to implement the movement in a fight.
Stop, re-wind and replay as many times as you need to perfect your liver shot. And the best part? With our physical location now re-opened, you can come down and ask our Coaches any questions you may have and show us your progress!
Check out the video here.
All We Do is Win, Win, Win…
Equally as important as keeping our eyes on the prize, is appreciating our progress along the way. To help us reflect on our successes and celebrate those of others, we will be featuring ‘wins’ from our TBI Community each month. These wins celebrate progress, no matter how big or small, on any personal goal – fitness or otherwise.
Name: Daniel Hearn
Win: Since the gym has re-opened, I’ve gone for a run before every session – and I hate running! I’ve even woken up half an hour earlier to get to the gym at 4:30am to run in the cold before the 5am class.
Name: Sarah Stein
Win: No soft drink in a month!
Thank you to Daniel and Sarah for your submissions! If you would like to submit your win, please contact us!